WCC Plant Sale & Garden
In July 2021, as the pandemic continued to plague us and activities were limited, we decided to start a garden club. The idea was to create an activity where our members could move outside in the fresh air, plant herbs and flowers, and safely socialize each week. Of course, it wasn't as simple as it sounded, and it was much more work than we expected! We needed raised garden planters, tons of soil for the garden beds, and of course, plants.
We reached out to the community to get some help, and we continue to be overwhelmed by the amount of support we've received.
The Eagle Scouts in Troup 1 built all of our raised garden boxes (12 in total) and really helped give us the jump start we needed!
The Master Gardeners at UH have been helpful in sourcing plants and helping us with soil pick up and distribution. Moving the soil from Waimanalo to Waikiki and filling the containers with dirt was a colossal effort we could not have accomplished without their help. Barbara Maresca, Shannon Fagan, Kalani Matsuura, and Jeff Pang have been essential in making this garden happen, and we can't thank them enough!
We have just started our little gardens and are well on our way to seeing what we can grow and harvest! It brings us a lot of joy to see others in our community enjoying it as well. Thank you to everyone who supported us in some way! We love our time outside with our plants and our friends. It helps to keep us happy and healthy in mind, body, and spirit.
Following along with us and watch us grow!