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Participant Registration Form

Register today to explore our classes and activities!

Your registration helps us better understand and meet the needs of our community.

As a private nonprofit, we rely on this information to secure funding and continue providing exceptional services for our keiki, kupuna, and community. Rest assured, your details remain confidential and are used solely for statistical purposes.

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community!

By answering the following questions, you will enable Waikiki Community Center to better provide programs and services to meet the needs of its participants. Information is for statistical purposes only and will be kept confidential.

Are you a Hawaii Resident?
Annual Income (please check as applicable):


Waikiki Community Center reserves the right to refuse service to any individual at our discretion. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any behavior or conditions that disrupt the safety, well-being, or comfort of our customers, employees or the business premises. This includes, but is not limited to, disruptive, belligerent or abusive behavior, harassment, theft, intoxication, unlawful activity, or the presence of individuals exhibiting a lack of good hygiene.

Individuals who violate our policies or behave inappropriately, or those whose hygiene is deemed unacceptable, will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Failure to comply with this request may result in legal action, including but not limited to trespassing charges.

NO LOITERING POLICY: For the safety and comfort of all patrons and employees, loitering, is strictly prohibited on the premises, including parking lots. Loitering is defined as remaining in or around the establishment without a legitimate purpose or beyond a reasonable time for participation in scheduled activities. Customers or individuals who are considered loitering will be asked to vacate the premises. Repeated or continuous loitering may lead to a ban from the property and legal actions, if necessary.


I understand that participating in classes and activities, including transportation to and from the Waikiki Community Center, involves certain risks. I accept full responsibility for these risks from the moment I register. I confirm that I am physically capable of participating in these activities, with or without a dedicated personal assistant if needed.

I also agree to take on all responsibilities for my participation in these activities. I agree to release, hold harmless, and protect Waikiki Community Center, its staff, officers, directors, and anyone involved from any claims, costs, damages, or legal fees that might arise from personal injury, property damage, or death during these activities, regardless of any fault or negligence by the Center or its representatives.

Additionally, in the event of a medical emergency, I hereby authorize transportation and licensed personnel to perform any accepted medical procedure(s) that are deemed necessary or advisable on myself. I further agree that all expenses of such transportation or procedure(s) are my full responsibility. I also agree that any medical, dental, hospital or other expenses which may be incurred by me or any person on my behalf in connection with the accident as foresaid is my sole and separate obligation and responsibility.


I understand that Waikiki Community Center may take photos or videos of participants during activities. I give my permission for these images to be used by the Center for marketing and promotional purposes, including on television, in publications, newsletters and on social media.

I have read and agree to the above-noted Statement and Policies.

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