ALICE Initiative
ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed) are individuals and families who work, sometime in multiple jobs yet still struggle to get by each month. ALICE represents a growing number of those whose incomes are too high to qualify for government assistance yet live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to remain financially stable. Due to our state's high cost of living, Hawai`i has an especially high number of ALICE households, nearly half of all residents according to a study done by Aloha United Way.
Additional Info
Waikiki Community Center is committed to assisting our state's ALICE population, who often do not receive other supports and one emergency away from crisis. WCC is part of the Aloha United Way and Hawai`i Community Foundation ALICE Initiative with other nonprofit organizations to help enable our residents to support themselves and their families. WCC has several programs to support ALICE including the BUILD Emergency Savings Program and Thrive by 5 Affordable Preschool Initiative.
A 2020 Aloha United Way (AUW) study found that 42% of Hawaii's households were at ALICE income levels and below. For more information about ALICE in Hawaii, go to